Pathé Sapphire Records

Pathé was a French company founded in the 1890s by brothers Emile and Charles Pathé. After briefly dealing in Edison and Columbia goods, they began making their own cylinders and phonographs. Discs were added in 1905 with some odd materials (wax on concrete!), speeds (often 90 RPM, sometimes from 60-130 RPM), and sizes (6 to 20 inches) employed before shellac and some standardization set in to make them commercially agreeable. Emile managed the record side of the enterprise while Charles focused on motion pictures. Pathé Records became an international giant that recorded many of the musical greats, especially Classical, in studios throughout the world. The film company became equally popular and still exists today.

However, Pathé didn't have an official presence in the United States until the 1910s. Imports were briefly offered before a studio was set up in New York to make domestic records under the direction of Russell Hunting, an American pioneer recording artist from the 1890s. By 1914 such 80 RPM discs were for sale in Pathé's American catalog (the official U.S. branch name being: The Pathé Frères Phonograph Company). However, several patents in the States were still in effect and Pathé had to record performances differently to avoid infringement.

Pathé brought over their practice of using a sapphire ball to play a vertically recorded groove of large width. Such a groove was very similar to what is found on wax cylinders. In fact, Pathé recorded their masters on giant 13-inch-long cylinders (that spun quickly to maintain sonic quality) and then pantographed (dubbed) them to discs. This of course causes some loss of quality, but it's not too noticeable on vintage phonographs. Modern equipment is less forgiving, especially with rumble that is often transferred from cylinder to disc. The shallow and wide grooves sometimes cause skipping, especially if the record is warped, off-center or worn. Special techniques then have to be used to make them play through. Finally, yes, they can only be played on a Pathé phonograph or on one with a special tonearm attachment. Playing them with a lateral steel-needle reproducer will shred them.

American Pathé manufactured vertical recordings from 1914 to 1922. Other companies had cornered the market on acclaimed American performers so the catalog was not as prestigious as what could be found in Europe. However, Pathé still attracted many of the popular free-lance performers that recorded for everyone like Billy Murray, Ada Jones, Fred Van Epps and Arthur Fields. They also scored the occasional coup by recording such greats as James Reese Europe and Noble Sissle. Russell Hunting even took to the recording horn on occasion to cut some comedy records. Exact recording dates for most American Pathés have been lost to time. However, existing monthly catalogs and other literature can be used to narrow them down. Usually when a "ca." year is noted below, the recording is probably from that year, give or take one.

Encoded Speed: 192 Kbps

Demonstration Record - Exhibiting superiority of tone of Pathé recording The Owl and The Pussy Cat
Russell Hunting Male Quartet (Big City Four?)
Pathé 2-A Pathé 2-B
Matrix# (G?)66373-3A, 42 Matrix# E66727-1C, 41
ca. 1917 ca. 1918
New York, New York New York, New York

America, Here's My Boy Pozzo
American Republic Band American Republic Band
Pathé 20076-A Pathé 20076-B
Matrix# T66206 Matrix# T66205
June 1917 June 1917

Brighten The Corner Where You Are If Your Heart Keeps Right
William Wheeler William Wheeler
Pathé 20159-A Pathé 20159-B
Matrix# 66082 Matrix# T-66081
ca. 1917 ca. 1917

Casey Courting His Girl Casey Selling Patent Medicine
Russell Hunting Russell Hunting
Pathé 20202-A Pathé 20202-B
Matrix# 66284 Matrix# 66285
July 1917 July 1917

Love In Idleness Stepping Stones
Imperial Symphony Orchestra of London Imperial Symphony Orchestra of London
Pathé 20231-A Pathé 20231-B
Matrix# A.92750 Matrix# A.93956
ca. 1917 ca. 1917

Round Her Neck She Wears A Yeller Ribbon The Yanks Started Yankin'
Collins and Harlan Louis Winsch
Pathé 20361-A Pathé 20361-B
Matrix# T66677 Matrix# T66774
ca. 1918 ca. 1918

A Darky's Dreamland, Part 1 A Darky's Dreamland, Part 2
London Military Band London Military Band
Pathé 20386-A Pathé 20386-B
Matrix# A78255 Matrix# A78256
ca. 1918 ca. 1918
London, England (?) London, England (?)

Won't You Be A Dear, Dear Daddy? They Were All Out Of Step But Jim
The Farber Girls Constance Farber
Pathé 20388-A Pathé 20388-B
Matrix# T66779 Matrix# T66778
ca. May-June 1918 ca. May-June 1918
New York, New York New York, New York

When I Send You A Picture of Berlin I'm Gonna Pin My Medal On The Girl I Left Behind
Arthur Fields Louis Winsch
Pathé 20413-A Pathé 20413-B
Matrix# T66921 Matrix# T66925
ca. 1918 ca. 1918

Nona Texas
American Republic Band American Republic Band
Pathé 20417-A Pathé 20417-B
Matrix# T66917 Matrix# T66916
ca. 1918 ca. 1918

Sweet and Low When You and I Were Young, Maggie
Jules Levy, Jr.'s Brass Quartet Jules Levy, Jr.'s Brass Quartet
Pathé 20477-A Pathé 20477-B
Matrix# 68896 Matrix# 68897
December 1920 December 1920

The Picadore March The Gladiator March
American Regimental Band American Regimental Band
Pathé 20503-A Pathé 20503-B
Matrix# 69123-1 B 3 Matrix# 69121-1 A 3
March 1921 March 1921

There's Something About You Longing For Someone
Joe Gibson and His Orchestra Joe Gibson and His Orchestra
Pathé 20511-A Pathé 20511-B
Matrix# 69022 Matrix# 69021
January 1921 January 1921

Sweetheart I'll Keep On Loving You
Casino Dance Orchestra Casino Dance Orchestra
Pathé 20539-A Pathé 20539-B
Matrix# 69162-1 A 2 Matrix# 69163-1 15
March-April 1921 March-April 1921
Note: Worn.

Crooning Good As Gold
Casino Dance Orchestra Casino Dance Orchestra
Pathé 20559-A Pathé 20559-B
Matrix# 69189-1 A 6 Matrix# 69191-1 (?) 18
April-May 1921 April-May 1921

Wait Until You See My Madeline Do Another Break
Casino Dance Orchestra Green Brothers' Novelty Band
Pathé 20560-A Pathé 20560-B
Matrix# 69190 Matrix# 68530
March 1921 April 1921

Funeral March of a Marionette The Elephant and the Fly
Leopold Bucci Leopold Bucci and Nicholas Laucella
Pathé 20591-A Pathé 20591-B
Matrix# 6(9?)280 Matrix# ?
ca. 1921 ca. 1921

I've Got The Joys Mandy 'N Me
Lanin's Southern Serenaders Lanin's Southern Serenaders
Pathé 20649-A Pathé 20649-B
Matrix# 69392-1 (B?) 5 Matrix# 69393-1 (B?) 6
September 1921 September 1921
Note: Worn.

Are You Playing Fair? Parade of The Wooden Soldiers
Casino Dance Orchestra Nathan Glantz and His Orchestra
Pathé 20780-A Pathé 20780-B
Matrix# 69744-1 A 2 Matrix# 69722-1 B 3
June 1922 May-June 1922
Note: Very worn. Rumble filtered.

The Sneak Just Because You're You - That's Why I Love You
Nicholas Orlando and His Orchestra Nicholas Orlando and His Orchestra (suspected)
Pathé 20800-A Pathé 20800-B
Matrix# 69775-1 6 Matrix# 69776-1 A
July 1922 July 1922
Note: In-studio bump at 1:51.

Truly Murmuring
Max Terr and His Orchestra Max Terr and His Orchestra
Pathé 20810-A Pathé 20810-B
Matrix# 69810-1 B 5 Matrix# 69808-1 A 2
August 1922 August 1922
Note: Worn. Note: Worn.

Blue I Wish I Knew
California Ramblers Joseph Samuels' Orchestra
Pathé 20814-A Pathé 20814-B
Matrix# 69759-1 A Matrix# 69807-1 A
July 6, 1922 August 1922

You Remind Me of My Mother Japanese Moon
Joseph Samuels' Orchestra Nathan Glantz and His Orchestra
Pathé 20829-A Pathé 20829-B
Matrix# 69843-1 A Matrix# 69820-1 A 3
September 1922 August 1922
Note: Extremely Worn. Note: Extremely Worn.

Don't Let Us Sing Any More About War, Just Let Us Sing of Love I Love A Lassie
Evan Davies Evan Davies
Pathé 22051-A Pathé 22051-B
Matrix# T67269-1 E 31 Matrix# T67270-1 A 4
ca. 1919 ca. 1919
Note: Played at 81 RPM. Stressed loud passages.

Give Me All Of You Kiss Me Again
The Excello Trio F. Wheeler Wadsworth
Pathé 22056-A Pathé 22056-B
Matrix# T67286 Matrix# (? 8)
ca. 1919 ca. 1919

That Moaning Trombone Memphis Blues
Lieut. Jim Europe's 369th U.S. Infantry ("Hell Fighters") Band Lieut. Jim Europe's 369th U.S. Infantry ("Hell Fighters") Band
Pathé 22085-A Pathé 22085-B
Matrix# T67485-1 A 1 Matrix# T67486-1 XB 30
ca. March 7, 1919 ca. March 7, 1919
New York, New York New York, New York

Dear Old Pal Of Mine Bring Back The Sunshine
Turner Roe Lewis James
Pathé 22150-A Pathé 22150-B
Matrix# T67614-1 D 21 Matrix# T67455-1 B 14
1919 1919

My Baby's Arms Trousseau Ball
Tuxedo Syncopaters Tuxedo Syncopaters
Pathé 22181-A Pathé 22181-B
Matrix# ? Matrix# 167901?
July 1919 July 1919

I Used To Call Her Baby If You Don't Stop Making Eyes At Me
Billy Murray Arthur Fields
Pathé 22197-A Pathé 22197-B
Matrix# 167139? Matrix# 167971?
1919 1919

Cohen Gets Married Cohen On His Honeymoon
Monroe Silver Monroe Silver
Pathé 22223-A Pathé 22223-B
Matrix# 67998-1 C 16 Matrix# 67999-3 C 2
Late 1919 Late 1919
Note: A bit of cylinder rumble was best left in.

Wonderful Pal On The Trail To Sante Fe
Lewis James Lewis James and Charles Hart
Pathé 22242-A Pathé 22242-B
Matrix# 68(???)-1 A 10 Matrix# 68(?)61-1 D 5
ca. 1919 ca. 1919
Note: Worn and weak pressing/transfer from master cylinder.

Stand Up For Jesus Flee as a Bird
Earle F. Wilde Turner Roe
Pathé 22350-A Pathé 22350-B
Matrix# 67590 Matrix# ?
ca. 1920 ca. 1920

La Veeda Zoma
Green Brothers' Novelty Band Green Brothers' Novelty Band
Pathé 22365-A Pathé 22365-B
Matrix# 68378 Matrix# 68377
ca. March 1920 ca. March 1920
New York, New York New York, New York
Note: Weak.

Medley of Country Reels

Keltons Reel
The Devil's Dream
Arkansas Traveller
Old Zip Coon
Chicken Reel
Half Penny Reel
Medley of Country Jigs

St. Patrick's Day in the Morning
Mysteries of Knock
Moll in the Wad
Jackson Fancy
Garry Owens
Haste to the Wedding
Joseph Samuels Joseph Samuels
Pathé 22417-A Pathé 22417-B
Matrix# 68666 Matrix# 68667
ca. 1919 ca. 1919

Marcelle Dolls
George Jessel George Jessel
Pathé 22418-A Pathé 22418-B
Matrix# 68587-1G 15 Matrix# 68588-1C 17
ca. July 1920 ca. July 1920
Note: Stripped groove at 0:02-0:03.

Barney Come Over Here Yum-I-Yum-I-Yum
Blanche Ring Billy Jones
Pathé 22419-A Pathé 22419-B
Matrix# 68607 Matrix# 68736
September 1920 October 1920

The Postman Hi and Si on the Line Fence
Russell Hunting and Steve Porter Russell Hunting and Steve Porter
Pathé 22430-A Pathé 22430-B
Matrix# 68585 Matrix# 68586
ca. 1920 ca. 1920

Excelsior The Voice of the Chimes
Lewis James and Elliott Shaw Acme Male Quartet
Pathé 22432-A Pathé 22432-B
Matrix# 68621 Matrix# 68785
1920 1920
Note: Dig at 0:21. Note: Dig from 0:33-0:35.

Christians Awake Salute the Happy Morn God Rest Ye, Merrie Gentlemen
Shannon Four Shannon Four
Pathé 22433-A Pathé 22433-B
Matrix# 6878(1?) Matrix# 6878(3?)
1920 1920

Love in Lilac Time Whip-Poor-Will
William Lowe Gladys Rice
Pathé 22505-A Pathé 22505-B
Matrix# 6906(6?) Matrix# ?
ca. 1921 ca. 1921

I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby Invictus
Wells Clary Wells Clary
Pathé 25049-A Pathé 25049-B
Matrix# 68694 Matrix# 68695
ca. 1921 ca. 1921

Casey's Fight With Oney Goeghen The Bureau
Russell Hunting Russell Hunting
Pathé 35083-A Pathé 35083-B
Matrix# E65706 Matrix# E65705
ca. 1916 ca. 1916

American Patrol Serenade
Pathé Military Band Pathé Military Band
Pathé 30333-A Pathé 30333-B
Matrix# A54053 Matrix# A54052
ca. 1917 ca. 1917
Note: Small edge crack, not audible. Worn.

I Pagliacci - "Vesti la giubba" (On with the Play)
Lucien Muratore
Pathé 54012
Matrix# E65916-2B, 47
January 1919
New York, New York

The Star Spangled Banner
Lucien Muratore
Pathé 54017
Matrix# E67005-1C 2
ca. 1918

I Pagliacci - "Vesti La Giubba" (On With The Play) Sigurd - "Esprits Gardiens (Guardian Spirits)
Charles Fontaine Charles Fontaine
Pathé 59084-A Pathé 59084-B
Matrix# 1890X, 1C Matrix# 2107.X., 1E 5
ca. 1920 ca. 1920
Paris, France Paris, France

Carmen, "Habanera" Il Trovatore, "Fierce Flames Are Soaring"
Margarethe Ober Margarethe Ober
Pathé 60020-A Pathé 60020-B
Matrix# A54531, 1A 6(?) Matrix# A54530, 1A
ca. 1916 ca. 1916
Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany

I Pagliacci - Prologue, Part I I Pagliacci - Prologue, Part II
Luigi Montesanto Luigi Montesanto
Pathé 62008-A Pathé 62008-B
Matrix# A84159, 1A Matrix# A84160, 1A 2
ca. 1916 ca. 1916
Milan, Italy Milan, Italy

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