Chinese Blues |
'Tain't Cold |
The Original Memphis Five |
The Original Memphis Five |
Brunswick 3039-A |
Brunswick 3039-B |
Matrix# E17612-E17615 |
Matrix# E17656-E17659 (E2202-E2205) |
January 21, 1926, PM session |
January 23, 1926, AM session |
New York, New York. 799 Seventh Avenue, Room no. 3 |
New York, New York. 799 Seventh Avenue, Room no. 1 |
The Waltz That Carried Me To My Grave (La valce qui ma portin d ma fose) |
Lafayette (Allon a Luafette) |
Joseph F. Falcon |
Joseph F. Falcon |
Columbia 15275-D |
Columbia 15275-D |
Matrix# 146216, 2-A-1, Take 2 |
Matrix# 146217, 2-A-3, Take 2 |
April 27, 1928 |
April 27, 1928 |
New Orleans, Louisiana. Godchaux Building. |
New Orleans, Louisiana. Godchaux Building. |
Note: Very worn. |
Note: Extremely worn. |
Carneval Overture |
Fairy Tales - Folk Dance
Slavonic Dance No. 8 in G Minor (Not "No. 1" as the label says) |
Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Conducted by Frederick Stock) |
Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Conducted by Frederick Stock) |
Victor L-1004-A |
Victor L-1004-B |
Matrix# LBVE-69773, Take 1 |
Matrix# LBVE-69774, Take 1 |
December 19, 1925 |
December 22, 1926 |
Chicago, Illinois. Orchestra Hall. |
Chicago, Illinois. Orchestra Hall. |
Note: Dubbed to LP on August 27, 1931 with CVE-34049, Take 4 and CVE-34050, Take 2. |
Note: Dubbed to LP on August 27, 1931 with CVE-34069, Take 2 and CVE-37284, Take 2. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 1: Prelude and Siciliana (Oh Lola, Fair as the Flowers) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 2: Prelude (completion) |
Milan Symphony Orchestra with Antonio Melandri, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67880-D |
Columbia 67880-D |
Matrix# BX760 4-D-2, Take 4 |
Matrix# BX767 2-D-1, Take 2 |
January 9, 1930 |
January 11, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 5: Dite, mamma Lucia (Tell Me, Mamma Lucia) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 6: Il cavallo scalpita (Proudly Steps the Sturdy Steed) |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi and Ida Mannarini with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Gino Lulli and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67882-D |
Columbia 67882-D |
Matrix# BX749 2-D-1, Take 2 |
Matrix# BX762 2-D-1, Take 2 |
January 4, 1930 |
January 9, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Volume problems on master 0:31-0:35. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 7: Beato voi compar Alfio (You Are Much Favored, Friend Alfio) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 8: Inneggiam: il Signore e risorto (Let Us Sing of the Lord Ever Living) |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Gino Lulli, Ida Mannarini and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Ida Mannarini and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67883-D |
Columbia 67883-D |
Matrix# BX755 2-D-2, Take 2 |
Matrix# BX761 3-E-B-2, Take 3 |
January 7, 1930 |
January 9, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Stressed loud passages. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 9: Perche mi hai fatto cenno di tacere (Why Signal Me for Silence?) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 10: Andate o mamma (Go Pray for Me, Good Mother) |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Ida Mannarini and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Antonio Melandri and Ida Mannarini with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67884-D |
Columbia 67884-D |
Matrix# BX752 1-D-1, Take 1 |
Matrix# BX754 2-D-B-1, Take 2 |
January 4, 1930 |
January 6, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Volume problems from 3:20-3:22. |
Note: Hairline cracks near end, not audible. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 11: Quella cattiva femmina (That Accursed Woman!) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 12: Ah! lo vedi...... (What Foolish Words) |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Antonio Melandri and Maria Castagna with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi and Antonio Melandri with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67885-D |
Columbia 67885-D |
Matrix# BX750 1-D-1, Take 1 |
Matrix# BX751 2-D-1, Take 2 |
January 4, 1930 |
January 4, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Swish at end. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 13: La tua Santuzza (Santuzza Implores Thee) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 14: Turiddu mi tolse l'onore (Forsaken Am I) |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Antonio Melandri and Gino Lulli with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi and Gino Lulli with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67886-D |
Columbia 67886-D |
Matrix# BX758 2-D-1, Take 2 |
Matrix# BX759 (2-D-1)?, Take 2? |
January 8, 1930 |
January 8, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 15: Intermezzo |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 16: A casa, a casa, amici..... (Homeward Now We Go) |
Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Antonio Melandri, Maria Castagna and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67887-D |
Columbia 67887-D |
Matrix# BX768 1-E-1 13259, Take 1 |
Matrix# BX757 2-D-1, Take 2 |
January 11, 1930 |
January 7, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Swish/Surface noise. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 17: Brindisi - Intanto amici qua.... (Now Gather Round Me, Friends - "Drinking Song") |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 18: A voi tutti salute (Greeting to All) |
Antonio Melandri, Maria Castagna and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Antonio Melandri, Gino Lulli, Maria Castagna and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67888-D |
Columbia 67888-D |
Matrix# BX765 2-D-1, Take 2 |
Matrix# BX764 1-D-2, Take 1 |
January 10, 1930 |
January 10, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Stressed loud passages. |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 19: Mamma, quel vino e generoso.... (The Wine Is Strong, Good Mother) |
Cavalleria Rusticana: Part 20: Turiddu! Che vuoi dire? (Turiddu, What Are You Saying!) |
Antonio Melandri and Ida Mannarini with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Giannina Arangi Lombardi, Ida Mannarini and Chorus with Milan Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli |
Columbia 67889-D |
Columbia 67889-D |
Matrix# BX753 1-D-2, Take 1 |
Matrix# BX756 2-D-1, Take 2 |
January 6, 1930 |
January 7, 1930 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Peer Gynt Suite - Part I (The Morning) |
Peer Gynt Suite - Part II (Ase's Death) |
Columbia Symphony Orchestra (Charles A. Prince, Director) |
Columbia Symphony Orchestra (Charles A. Prince, Director) |
Columbia A6109 |
Columbia A6109 |
Matrix# 48534 10-(C?)-66, Take 10 |
Matrix# 48535 9-B-7, Take 9 |
January 8, 1919 |
ca. 1916-January 1919 |
New York, New York |
New York, New York |
Note: Dusty spot after 3:27, mostly filtered. |
I Pagliacci: Part 1: Prologue: Si pu�? (A Word Allow Me!) |
I Pagliacci: Part 2: Prologue: Un nido di memorie (A Song of Tender Memories) |
Apollo Granforte, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Apollo Granforte, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9655-A |
Victor 9655-B |
Matrix# 58239 (CM 807(delta) IIA), Take 2 |
Matrix# 58240 (CM 816(delta) IIA), Take 2 |
April 11, 1929 |
April 15, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 3: Act 1: Son qu� (They Come!) |
I Pagliacci: Part 4: Act 1: Via di l�! (Un tal gioco, Credetemi) (Get Away!-Such A Game, Believe Me, Friends) |
Alessandro Valente-Nello Palai, with Members of Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Alessandro Valente-Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Nello Palai-Menni, with Members of Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9656-A |
Victor 9656-B |
Matrix# 58241 (CM 805(delta) I), Take 1 |
Matrix# 58242 (CM 820(delta) III, 2_054310), Take 3 |
April 10, 1929 |
September 24, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 5: Act 1: I zampognari! Coro delle campanelle (Hark! 'Tis The Bagpipes) |
I Pagliacci: Part 6: Act 1: Qual fiamma avea nel guardo! (How Fierce He Looked) |
Alessandro Valente, with Members of Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Adelaide Saraceni, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9657-A |
Victor 9657-B |
Matrix# 58243 (CM 804(delta) IA), Take 1 |
Matrix# 58244 (CM 806(delta) I), Take 1 |
April 10, 1929 |
April 10, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 7: Act 1: Sei l�? (So, ben che difforme) (What! Thou?-I Know That You Hate Me) |
I Pagliacci: Part 8: Act 1: Nedda! Silvio! A quest'ora che imprudenza (Nedda! Silvio! At This Hour) |
Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Adelaide Saraceni-Leonildo Basi, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9658-A |
Victor 9658-B |
Matrix# 58245 (CM 815(delta) IIIA), Take 3 |
Matrix# 58246 (CM 825(delta) IIA), Take 2 |
April 15, 1929 |
April 19, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 9: Act 1: No! Pi� non m'ami! (No! You Do Not Love Me!) |
I Pagliacci: Part 10: Act 1: Cammina adagio e li sorprenderai! (Tread Lightly) |
Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Leonildo Basi, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Alessandro Valente-Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Nello Palai-Leonildo Basi, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9659-A |
Victor 9659-B |
Matrix# 58247 (CM 826(delta) IV), Take 4 |
Matrix# 58248 (CM 829(delta) II), Take 2 |
April 22, 1929 |
April 22, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 11: Act 1: Recitar! (Vesti la giubba) (To Act! With My Heart Maddened With Sorrow) |
I Pagliacci: Part 12: Act 2: Intermezzo to Act 2 |
Alessandro Valente, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9660-A |
Victor 9660-B |
Matrix# 58249 (CM 802(delta) II), Take 2 |
Matrix# 58250 (CM 801(delta) IA), Take 1 |
April 10, 1929 |
April 10, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 13: Act 2: Presto, affrettiamoci (Quickly, Sweet Gossip) |
I Pagliacci: Part 14: Act 2: Pagliaccio, mio marito (My Husband, Punchinello) |
Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Nello Palai-Leonildo Basi, with Members of the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Adelaide Saraceni-Nello Palai, with Members of the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9661-A |
Victor 9661-B |
Matrix# 58251 (CM 821(delta) II), Take 2 |
Matrix# 58252 (CM 814(delta) IIIA), Take 3 |
April 18, 1929 |
April 15, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
Note: Source overmodulated. |
I Pagliacci: Part 15: Act 2: E dessa! Dei, com' � bella! (Behold Her! Ah, How Surpassing Fair!) |
I Pagliacci: Part 16: Act 2: Arlecchin!-Colombina! (Dear Harlequin!-My Colombine!) |
Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Nello Palai, with Members of the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Alessandro Valente-Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Nello Palai, with Members of the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9662-A |
Victor 9662-B |
Matrix# 58253 (CM 817(delta) IA), Take 1 |
Matrix# 58254 (CM 818(delta) IIA), Take 2 |
April 16, 1929 |
April 16, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |
I Pagliacci: Part 17: Act 2: No, Pagliaccio non son! (No Punchinello No More) |
I Pagliacci: Part 18: Act 2: Suvvia, cos� terribile davver non ti credeo! (I Never Knew, My Dear) |
Alessandro Valente-Adelaide Saraceni-Leonildo Basi, with Members of the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Alessandro Valente-Adelaide Saraceni-Apollo Granforte-Nello Palai-Leonildo Basi, with Members of the Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Carlo Sabajno |
Victor 9663-A |
Victor 9663-B |
Matrix# 58255 (CM 810(delta) X), Take 10 |
Matrix# 58256 (CM 811(delta) I), Take 1 |
January 3, 1930 |
April 12, 1929 |
Milan, Italy |
Milan, Italy |